CEF Safety Reboot Survey- Complete Now

1 August 2024   Industry Standards

Please take a few minutes to complete the CEF Safety Reboot Survey to help us improve the initiative.

Safety Reboot, the annual CEF health and safety initiative, has taken place each January for the last three years. The initiative aims to encourage construction companies to stop work for about fifteen minutes, once a week throughout January to take time to focus on key areas of health and safety.

The CEF Health and Safety Committee, who have responsibility for the initiative, are keen to seek the views of the Northern Ireland construction industry to understand the industry’s engagement with the initiative, the positives and negatives and identify if anything can be done better to make Safety Reboot even more successful in January 2025.

Please take a few moments to complete this short survey to help us plan for 2025. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8MFSFPQ

Thank you in advance for your feedback which is highly valued.

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