
CEF endorses Economy Minister's call on workers to "Drive Danger Out"

Posted on 12/09/2024
CEF Chief Executive, Mark Spence, this week attended an event to support the HSENI’s Drive Danger Out campaign.



CEF Safety Reboot Survey- Complete Now

Posted on 01/08/2024
Please take a few minutes to complete the CEF Safety Reboot Survey to help us improve the initiative.



BMHA | Hard Hats and Healthy Heads

Posted on 01/08/2024
NI Protective Clothing Co. approached the Building Mental Health Alliance (BMHA) to seek permission to use our ‘You’re only two clicks from help’ stickers on the hard hats they sell.



Incoming UK Government must work with NI Executive to fix capital funding deficit

Posted on 01/07/2024
The latest CEF Construction Survey reflects a strong view within the Northern Ireland construction industry that the incoming UK Government must form an early collaborative partnership with the NI Executive to deal with our infrastructure deficit and



Promulgation Notice: Update of Working Rule 5 Holidays with Pay

Posted on 28/06/2024
The Joint Council for the Building & Civil Engineering Industry (Northern Ireland) has decided to promulgate changes to Working Rule 5 (Holidays with Pay) to reflect recent case law and best practice.



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Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry