
CEF/PKF-FPM Brexit Summary

Posted on 22/12/2020
Our Patrons PKF-FPM have produced an insightful guide for construction in the jaws of Brexit changes.



CEF wish you all a safe Christmas

Posted on 17/12/2020
From all of the team here at CEF, we wish you, your staff and families a safe and peaceful Christmas. Our office closes on Christmas Eve and opens again on 4 January 2021.



Update from DfI Chief Planner, Angus Kerr

Posted on 17/12/2020
DfI’s Chief Planner, Angus Kerr, has today published his latest Chief Planner’s Update.



Chancellor extends furlough and loan schemes

Posted on 17/12/2020
The Chancellor has today announced that the furlough scheme, which had been extended until the end of March, will now be extended to the end of April.



Brexit and impact on public procurement in NI/RoI

Posted on 15/12/2020
Ahead of the end of the UK-EU transition period on 31 December, Arthur Cox, our Legal Partners, have developed a short advisory note on What do I need to know about procurement on the island of Ireland?



CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry