
Housing commitment in Programme for Government will not fix our housing crisis

Posted on 09/09/2024
CEF comment after the publication of the NI Executive's draft Programme for Government



NI Water meet with CEF homebuilders

Posted on 13/08/2024
NI Water joined CEF homebuilders to outline their modelling approach in areas where wastewater capacity constraints continue to exacerbate Northern Ireland’s housing crisis.



CEF engages with Executive Ministers

Posted on 19/04/2024
The return of the Executive has brought fresh opportunities for CEF to directly engage on the industries behalf and this week our team met with three Executive ministers.



19,000 home backlog demands immediate action from NI Executive on governance and funding model of NI

Posted on 07/04/2024
CEF comments ahead of NI Assembly debate today on ‘Addressing NI Water Challenges’



Account NI Upgrade

Posted on 17/08/2023
Account NI is undertaking an update to the Oracle software used for its payment functions. As result of this upgrade the Account NI system will be unavailable between 6th and 26th September 2023.



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Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry