
2018 Annual Report published

Posted on 04/03/2022
The CEF’s People & Skills Task Force has developed a concise guidance booklet on modern slavery. Modern slavery comes in many different forms and is a growing issue - while it’s not always easy to spot, it’s a real problem and the construction indus



Fusion21 Announcement

Posted on 06/12/2018
Procurement organisation Fusion21 has announced the launch of its national Construction Works & Improvements Framework - worth up to £800 Million, over a four year period.



Federation comments on latest A5 development

Posted on 04/12/2018
Commenting after the Department for Infrastructure announced it would seek to get approval for the A5 Western Transport Corridor road scheme



Federation comments on draft Withdrawal Agreement

Posted on 19/11/2018
After the publication of the draft Withdrawal Agreement with respect to the UK's departure from the European Union, the Federation issued the following statement on 19 November.



Intelligence & Risk Insight Report - Professional Indemnity Construction

Posted on 13/11/2018
Federation Patron Willis Towers Watson have prepared a report which outlines Construction Professional Indemnity claims trends and the implications for a hardening of the insurance market in terms of both cover restrictions and overall cost.



CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry