BMHA | Hard Hats & Healthy Heads

1 August 2024   Industry Standards Business Environment

NI Protective Clothing Co. approached the Building Mental Health Alliance (BMHA) to seek permission to use our ‘You’re only two clicks from help’ stickers on the hard hats they sell.

When speaking to Katie Montgomery from NIPCC BMHA were impressed by the Company’s desire to make a meaningful impact in the construction community.

“We’re delighted to be able to get involved in the Signposting Service” Katie said and went on to say “I’m a great believer in trying to make a difference, no matter how small. If we can help even one person by the simple act of putting a sticker on a helmet then that’s a great success.

“It takes us 30 seconds to adhere a sticker onto a helmet and it is in no way an onerous task”.

If you are new to BMHA’s Signposting Service, it aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and provide essential support for those grappling with mental health challenges in the industry.

The QR code on the hard hat sticker points to a web page (hosted by NI Safety Group) that allows the user to access crisis helplines (like Lifeline/Samaritans/Lighthouse), as well as listing other support services for the likes of anxiety, depression, addictions, self help etc.

BMHA have distributed 24,000 stickers to date. If you’d like to get your hands on stickers, or wish to replenish your supply contact us at [email protected]

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