#SafetyReboot2024 Resources

14 December 2023   Industry Standards Business Environment

CEF has released resources for the month long health and safety initiative, Safety Reboot, taking place throughout January 2024. The aim of the initiative is to encourage construction companies to stop work for about 15 minutes, once a week throughout January, to take time to focus on key areas of health and safety.

The resources should be used to start conversation and interaction between the workforce on issues encountered everyday on site. 

Companies are encouraged to get involved and to use these short stoppages as a time for staff and sub-contractors to really engage with each other on the important topics.

This year, two specific weeks have been selected to highlight two important issues, mental health and workplace transport safety, alongside a number of partner organisations/initiatives.

During the week commencing 15 January 2024, the NI construction industry will be encouraged to focus on mental health. Existing Safety Reboot mental health resources have been amended to include references to The Lighthouse Club and the Building Mental Health Alliance. The Lighthouse Club is the only charity that is 100% dedicated to the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of construction workers and their families. The Building Mental Health Alliance is a Northern Ireland construction industry initiative, is aimed at creating better mental health for all in the sector.

The following week, the focus moves to supporting the recently launched HSENI workplace transport safety initiative #drivedangerout. Again, the Safety Reboot resources on mobile plant and equipment have been amended to reference the campaign with the aim of promoting this important topic throughout the industry.

Make sure to use the hashtag #SafetyReboot2024 to share images and updates on how your company gets involved throughout January. As ever, this is a great opportunity to showcase how seriously construction companies in Northern Ireland take the health and safety of their workforces. 


Various versions of the #SafetyReboot2024 logo are included below. These can be used by companies to create awareness of their involvement in the initiative on site. Also included are logos of the organisations/initiatives partnering with Safety Reboot this year.

Safety Reboot 2024 logo jpeg

Safety Reboot 2024 logo png

Safety Reboot 2024 logo (alternative version) jpeg

Safety Reboot 2024 logo (alternative version) png

Safety Reboot 2024 Banner

Building Mental Health Alliance logo

Lighthouse Club logo

HSENI's #DriveDangerOut Logo


Site reinduction

Working at height

Slips, trips & falls

Mobile plant & equipment (to be used week commencing 22 January 2024)

Mental health (to be used week commencing 15 January 2024)

Occupational health (vibration, noise & dust)

Temporary works

Emergency procedures & fire safety


Respirable crystalline silica

Underground services


Working at height

Slips, trips & falls

Mobile plant & equipment (to be used week commencing 22 January 2024)

Mental health (to be used week commencing 15 January 2024)

Occupational health (vibration, noise & dust)

Temporary works

Emergency procedures & fire safety


Respirable crystalline silica

Underground services

Further information on the organisations and initiatives that are partnering with Safety Reboot this year is available at the following links:

Building Mental Health Alliance

The Lighthouse Club

HSENI ~DriveDangerOut



CEF's Patrons


Northern Ireland Electricity Networks AAB ABL Group Mills Selig JP Corry