Update from DfI Chief Planner, Angus Kerr

DfI’s Chief Planner, Angus Kerr, has today published his latest Chief Planner’s Update.

This is available to read here: https://www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/infrastructure/cpu7-dec2020.pdf

Matters of interest to members may include:

  • PACC – the requirement to hold a public event as part of pre-application community consultation for major planning applications has been further suspended until 31 March
  • LDP timetables – potential need for these to be further updated by each council depending on proximity of their plans going to Independent Examination
  • Planning portal – update on appointment of TerraQuest for provision of new system (we will hold engagement event with them on this in the New Year – details to follow)
  • Review of the Planning Act – this will commence shortly as previously advised
  • Planning Engagement Partnership – launched in October, the Federation has now been invited to join this. Its next meeting is on 13 January and members will be kept updated on its work

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