
Material Supply Chain Group Statement

Posted on 18/09/2024
The Construction Leadership Council have issued a further Material Supply Chain Group Statement



CIWM Northern Ireland Centre Technical Breakfast Briefing

Posted on 17/09/2024
CIWM Northern Ireland Centre is delighted to invite CEF NI and its members to its Technical Breakfast Briefing



CEF Construction Excellence Awards – SOLD OUT!

Posted on 13/09/2024
Due to unprecedented demand, we are delighted to say that we are now Fully Booked for the 2024 CEF Excellence Awards!



CEF endorses Economy Minister's call on workers to "Drive Danger Out"

Posted on 12/09/2024
CEF Chief Executive, Mark Spence, this week attended an event to support the HSENI’s Drive Danger Out campaign.



Housing commitment in Programme for Government will not fix our housing crisis

Posted on 09/09/2024
CEF comment after the publication of the NI Executive's draft Programme for Government



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